Friday, August 11, 2017

Fueling Our Soul

"When the petals of the heart unfold
fragrance spreads across the valley."
Amit Ray

We must look towards ourselves for the change we want to see.  This requires action and movement, not sitting still waiting to be discovered. People may give us suggestions, but we must be wise enough to recognize what resonates with our soul.

If we are not living our unique dream, we will not feel whole.  We will find ourselves still yearning and aching inside from an emptiness not fueling our soul.  If we begin to feed ourselves one spoonful at a time, we will not easily be overwhelmed.  As we digest slowly, we can decipher which makes us fill full or complete.

As we begin small, we slowly add momentum leading us to our purpose in life.  We may not recognize it at first, but if we trust our inner knowing and strengthen our connection with the Divine, we will be well on our way to happiness.  As our delight unfolds, it touches the hearts of others and they too will begin their journey.

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