Friday, August 4, 2017

Moment of Hesitation ...

"Have patience with everything that 
remains unsolved in your heart.
... live in the question."
Rainer Maria Rilke

In haste, we overlook the option of pause. We falsely believe answers are limited to either yes/no, agree/disagree, or acquiesce/retreat.  This simply is not true.  When we are in our own power, there is plenty of opportunity for hesitation.

Unfortunately, in our eagerness to please or the inability to decline, we find ourselves committed to events we are not interested in, do not have the time for, nor intend to pursue.  When we practice a moment of suspension, we speak more accurately.

The same is true when trying to understand ourselves.  We may meditate seeking answers or contemplate in nature, but resolve does not immediately appear.  In all things, we are wiser to have patience, as an interlude brings clarity.  

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