Monday, August 7, 2017

The Hourglass

"Love is like an hourglass,
with the heart filling up
as the brain empties."
Jules Renard

This hourglass is a gift to provide a sense of calm and moments for speculation.  Please, just settle in a chair and watch the sand trickle down into the globe.  At first it seems insignificant, but one becomes mesmerized by the slow motion. A foundation begins to accumulate.

So it is in difficult times.  It seems as though nothing is there for support or relief, but with patience a design of hope begins to shape.  When we are still, pulling our thoughts from the darkness of fear, light begins to gather.

If we can embrace our lost selves with love, we find our way back to our hearts.  We begin to discard dark thoughts  and begin to focus on our soul connection.  We remember our sacredness in spite of error or missteps, knowing the Divine watches over us with unconditional love.

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