Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Space Between

"It's not so much that we're afraid of change or
so in love with the old ways,
but its' that place in between that we fear.
It's like being between trapezes.

Marilyn Ferguson

One foot is on the edge of the cliff while the other stretches out to find purchase for the next placement.  When solid ground is hidden from us, we might quickly withdraw and remain settled in what we know, even if it is uncomfortable.  It takes courage to blindly move forward, especially when we are required to release what is known to us in exchange for the unknown. 

Even when we make our intention very clear, and follow explicit directions to manifest our change,  the new scenery may not look at all like we planned.  We must be patient with this transition into the unknown.  If we can maintain an attitude of adventure and allow time to completely unfold what is hidden from us, we will adjust in a more serene manner.

We can stand behind a completed painting and be touched by its beauty; but if we stand behind the artist every day experiencing each detail in depth, the completion would offer a bountiful container of memories.  Then we  know how colors blend no matter how unlikely.  We see how the deliberate moves of the artist's brush suddenly create the unexpected.  Even to idly watch the paint dry gives pause for imagination.  We invest into the process receiving deep insights rather than valuing only the end result.

So when we find ourselves in that place between death of the old and birth of the new, embrace the uncomfortable feeling of being untethered in one place or the other.  Consider it a pocket of calm offering a rest stop before the adventure begins.  There is meaning in all spaces of our lives, and they are meant to be beneficial. 

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