Sunday, August 30, 2015

Living Humanely

"Over the years, I have developed a picture of what a human being living humanely is like.  She is a person who understands, values and develops her body, finding it beautiful and useful; a person who is real and is willing to take risks, to be creative, to manifest competence, to change when the situation calls for it, and to find ways to accommodate to what is new and different, keeping that part of the old that is still useful and discarding what is not."  Virginia Satir

When we recognize all of our diverse parts, our self-appreciation deepens.  We may do one thing particularly well, but whatever we tinker with is important as it  helps to shape the whole.  The little incidental aspects of our personality contributes to what makes us unique.  Even our pocket of irrational emotions needs to be added to the overall picture.   There is a need to feel what is between all of the wrinkles and creases.

While exploring our inner landscapes, we have a greater understanding of our needs, wants and desires.  We reconnect with our inner child, renewing and being attentive.  We also begin to hear our inner voice.  The more we travel inward, the nonsensical chatter of the outer world is less likely to distract us.  

In time, as we sort our lovely selves out, we realize we have created a sacred space within where all can be holy.  We can invite angels, spirits, guides or God to enter and be present.  We can sit in contemplation, quietly listening for answers to our articulated questions.  

Integrated, we continue to expand through experience, but we are traveling not as a vagabond, but a seasoned wayfarer.  We find our selves to be less threatened, more compassionate, and open hearted, living humanely as best as we can.

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