Saturday, August 15, 2015

Comfortable or Pretty

"Travel isn't always pretty.  It isn't 
always comfortable.  Sometimes it
hurts, it even breaks your heart.  But
that's okay.  The journey changes 
you ~ it should change you.  It leaves
marks on your memory, on your 
consciousness, on your heart, and on
your body.  You take something with
you ... Hopefully, you leave 
something good behind."

Anthony Bourdain

When Anthony Bourdain divulges his inner thoughts, it is dramatically different from what one would expect.   We tend to have preconceived ideas, and miss the beauty of the inner soul.  He is a perfect example of being so comfortable with who he is on the inside, he doesn't give much worry as to how he appears on the outside.  Opinionated, yet respectful, there is much to learn from this traveler.

Anthony Bourdain's words speak well of his experience.  Whether we travel to a foreign country or on a vision quest, it isn't always comfortable or pretty.  If we can remain open to the experience, we will be touched in the moment, memory, and heart.  In the process of movement, we can be exposed to disappointment or pain; but these things are catalysts to deeper experiences.

If we remain closed off, covered with fear, our travels will not be able to impact all of our senses.  When we open to an experience, we will be touched in some particular or lofty way.  Everything around us will benefit from our willingness to step through fear and evolve.

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