Thursday, August 13, 2015

Gloriously Perfect

"I have been an avid  fiction and non-fiction reader,
all  of my  life.  I can't imagine life without books ...
 to touch and hold; to escape and explore; and to 
experience the life and minds of others.  
Magnificent  books have  shaped 
 my mind into a wondrous globe."

Virginia Carlson

A young boy asked his mailman if he could have all of the junk mail from his satchel.  The postman asked him why.  The child said he did not have any books in his home to read and he needed to practice his reading.  The kind man then posted this experience on Facebook where it went viral.  As a result, the young boy received a wide variety of books and complete sets of book series.  His home was beginning to look like a  library!

I clearly remember the day I received my first library card.  It was my most prized possession.  A branch of the city library was not far from my home and I walked by it every day to and from school.  Prior to having my own card, I would stop by  after school to wander through the stacks.  I would sit at an old wooden table and read a few chapters before returning the book to the shelf.  Rarely was the same book waiting for me the next day.  I would choose randomly to hear the words of yet another author.  

Imagine my delight in being able to carry books home with me, where I could curl up and read.  I was so excited to be able to start at the beginning and actually read each page until the end.  I read so much my parents would hide my books from me.  "Go out and play," they said.  On the way outside, I would find a book they had hidden in the oven or the breadbox and scurry outside to find shelter under a huge tree.  Gloriously perfect!

My expansive reading habits remain with me.  I believe my obsession with reading has created a mind that can gently hold numerous opposing views until I begin to see the similarities.  Many characters  have  been visited by my inquiring mind, and each one has touched me in a differing way.  This has given me a particular desire to see each person as an individual and to discern how unique characteristics shape life.

My mind is not brilliant, but it is radiant, filled with amazing insight, color, and texture.  When frustrated by trying to explain a theory to someone, I will often wish they could just walk around in my head for a while so they could catch a glimpse of majestic wonderment, woven carefully together. 

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