Thursday, July 30, 2015

Rejuvenate Joy

"Persons of high self-esteem are not driven to make themselves superior to others;
they do not seek to prove their value by measuring themselves against a comparative standard.
Their joy is being who they are, not in being better than someone else."
Nathaniel Branden

When we are not living in full acceptance of ourselves, we are often triggered by other people.  If we are feeling insecure, even the best of friends can push our buttons causing resentment or envy.  By embracing our selves (warts and all), we are more likely to embrace others.  If we tend  to hide our imperfections,  we will falsely assume those around us are not being completely honest either.

Imagine a time fully enjoyed with a friend.  Nothing could dampen our spirits.  We would laugh at any inconvenience; be inspired by each other; experience a sense of unrestrained acceptance; and rejuvenate our joy in life.

If we discover ourselves in the midst of negative people, resist the temptation to join them.  If we cannot  excuse our lovely selves, then we can be silent while discovering what needs to be learned. Every person crossing our path has a message.  When we take the time to not mentally judge, we are open to listening for what we need to hear.  The other person may simply need our presence in the present moment.

Eliminating judgment, we begin to see the beauty in others.  Admittedly, their sparkle may be small, but nevertheless, it is there.  When this person feels us accepting them, the twinkle will grow into a bright light ... but we need to be listening and watching, not judging.


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