Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Competitiveness and Short Lived Elation

"If we believe that happiness arises only when some external condition is fulfilled,
we consign ourselves to a perpetual state of discontent."
Meister Eckhart

External rewards and recognition certainly strokes our ego, but tends to be impermanent.  When seeking   celebration outside of ourselves, we are missing the contentment and bliss that can be found secured within.  Once bliss or enchantment is primed inside of our self, we can view all of life through eyes of compassion and joy, not competitiveness and short lived elation.

When we are focused on external pleasure, it is usually a waiting game:  If we do this right! If only we complete a project prior to someone else! If we can wait the others out! If we smartly network to our advantage!  (All time consuming and a crap shoot.)

It is a different kind of happiness coming from within.  It can be thought of as a snug embrace securing us throughout the day and night.  It supplies us with a willingness to be appreciative of every moment of the day. Internal happiness offers a contentment that will create a light heartedness encouraging us to embrace the world around us.   

The sweet hum of daily contentment is a more peaceful way of living than hopping on a roller coaster for a fast and short ride.  It is not to say that life is continuously rosy as lessons arrive in every life, but the joy experienced from each moment helps us to maintain our hopefulness.  With appreciation for all of the little blessings around us, we are fortified facing our challenges and engage more kindly with those surrounding us. 

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