Sunday, July 26, 2015

Quality of Our Gift

"The quality of our life depends on what seeds
we water in our consciousness."


Perceptions impacting our decisions contribute to the over all picture we create of our life.  With clarity, our thoughts remain crisp and vibrant.    When challenged, our thoughts may become muddied and distorted.  The art of life is portrayed through our skill of  accenting and blending with our authentic truth. 

Every morning can offer us, like an artist, a blank canvas.  Will we use our skill in haste working to finish or will we adjust the illusion of time, and casually view the colors on our palette?  When we force thoughts out of sequence, they may lump together, but eventually they will disengage.  Healthy emotional concepts build a strong foundation, and will endure the winds of change.

We all have the means for creative expression and display it in a vast array of skills.  We can be a collaborator of music, writing, gardening, architecture, social empowerment, therapy, litigation, or leadership.  The means of how we elaborate our strengths is not as important as how we impact others.  Do we use our strengths for the betterment of all peoples or just for a few?  Are our endeavors allowing people to feel liberated or castrated?  When we interact with others, are we sharing, and collaborating?  Will some aspect of our life be better when we leave it?

Where we place our focus and how generously we expand our consciousness determines the quality of our gift to ourselves and to others.  Will we reflect original passion and expansion or will we consistently hide beneath artificial renditions?  The closer we move towards self-discovery, the deeper our sense of self unfolds.  To use our individual insights for continuous construction deepens the existence of physical life and decreases the prospect of  self-destruction . 

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