Saturday, February 7, 2015

Within The Silence, Creation Speaks

"Art is an act of tuning in and dropping down the well.
It is as though all the stories, paintings, music, and 
performances in the world live just under the surface
of our nomad consciousness."

Julia Cameron

Creative expression continues to amaze me.  There are times I make numerous attempts to appease my desire to create.  Whether it is water color, sketching, or writing, when I am forcing myself towards some form of outcome, my well runs dry.  Nothing seems to blend, fit, or follow a common thread.  Many 'do overs' can be involved.  Conversely, when I allow myself to be led, to not have an agenda, the magic just flows.  

Where inspiration originates is never really clear to me, but the joy of releasing color, design, and words and watching them flow together is a joy!  Just copying the expression of others does not produce this authentic feeling.  I recognize the need to get out of my own way, and let the artist in me flow out onto the paper.  My critic needs to be in some sort of time out chair, so I can deeply listen for authentic guidance.

The unique part of these experiences is although creative expression is coming through me from an unidentifiable source, I also sense the presence of my higher self integrated into the expression, whatever it may be. 

We all have a creative genius hovering beneath our surface, waiting to be unleashed and to give expression in this world.   The key is to drop our agendas and to become still, as it is within the silence that creation speaks.

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