Monday, February 16, 2015

Dwarf the Lovely Experience

"You were always stronger than
your fear and pain."

Bryant McGill

Emotional development is frequently hampered by life experiences.  We are wounded and our heart nor our mind forgets.  We tend to build up barriers to keep others out, thinking we will never be hurt again.  This story we tell ourselves is not true.  Our barriers may keep others outside, but they also keep our pain inside as well.

Over time, layers of pain continue to build as we attempt to repress them.  We falsely believe we are better by being 'above' basic feelings of anger or rage, but in reality, we are doing ourselves more harm.

The ideal process is to feel the pain, and then let it go before it gets stuck and thickened by additional emotion.  In this way, we will not grow weary of the need to be strong, manning the fort.  We can more or less flow through life with far less baggage to pull us down.

Changes continue to bombard us with emotions, and not all of them are bad, but armor deflects the good along with the bad.  We need to be in a receiving and giving mode, to interact with all levels of emotion and we won't do this by hiding.  By creating barriers, we can become stagnant, embittered, and dwarf the lovely experience life was meant to be.

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