Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Ability to Restore

  "In reality, none of us are separate; 
we are all part of the same creation, 
drawing our strength, happiness, and fulfillment 
from the cosmic tree."

Eknath Easwaran

It is easy to feel alone in a world highly populated world.  A sense of separateness can be experienced even though others are gathered around us.  As an island onto ourselves we can be overwhelmed by isolation and  the beauty and strength available cannot be seen nor appreciated.

There is great importance in spending time alone, exploring our inner nature and discovering pockets of synchronicity and magic, but when taken to the extreme, our spirits can no longer thrive in the depleted energy.  As authentic human beings, we were each created to bring gifts into the world.  We were intended to share with each other and to assist everyone in gaining prosperity.  Although competition can be a motivator, it was not meant to be the driving force of all things.  

On the other hand, we were not meant to be drones lacking creativity and inspiration.  We would have been created as clones if this had been the intention.  Instead, we were given free will to express our ways creatively in private and in union.  

When we lean too far towards isolation, our spirit is stifled; whereas, if we extend too far towards others, our spirit is spent.  Moderation, enjoying personal time supplemented by sharing with others creates a balance of our energies.  When we are able to manage this ebb and flow, our lives become harmonious with all living things.  We are increasingly aware of the beauty surrounding us and we breathe in its energy.  With compassion we are willing to be a presence for others without draining our energy dry.

Separateness is simply a story we tell ourselves in great detail.  We may have numerous volumes on the subject even though this is all fiction.  We cannot be totally isolated as Divine is available to us if we simply choose to look beyond our illusions.  Renewal transforms us through the presence of all things created ... trees, birds, skies, breezes, sun, stars, and moon. Simply breathe in and feel restored.

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