Thursday, February 19, 2015

And So May It Be

"Do not stray into the neighborhood of despair.
For there are hopes:  they are real, they exist - "


Violence is paramount in all forms of media.  Our hearts can easily be filled with despair.  We begin to live our lives in fear and our minds become filled with horrific visions.  It is important for us to learn to balance our viewing, what we read, and say, with positive input.  

Really, it is quite simple.  If we choose to see darkness in the world, we will see darkness.  If we focus on goodness, then we will be reinforced with light.  When we remain centered, our inner flame attracts the light of others.  We create a world of goodness around us.  This does not mean we are not faced with challenges, but we can surmount them with greater learning when we do not get pulled into drama and darkness.

What will you contribute to our world, a bright light or dark fear?  In the words of Andrew Harvey:
"May the Light of the Heart be revealed in all of us, and may we all, united in and by Divine Love, transform together the conditions of life on earth."  

And so may it be.

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