Saturday, January 3, 2015

Warmth of the Shore

"Water is fluid, soft, and yielding.  But water will
wear away rock, which is rigid and cannot yield.
As a rule, whatever is fluid, soft, and yielding will 
overcome whatever is rigid and hard.  This is
another paradox:  what is soft is strong."

Lao Tzu

As a coping skill, we develop a hard shell for protection.  Although this may be necessary to keep out the negative, it keeps our radiance inside as well.  Gently flowing water can be compared to the comfort of love washing over our protected heart.  Each wave washes a bit of our hardness away, until our barrier is worn so thin, love begins to seep in.  Love and water has the power to wear down our rough edges and soothe our soul.  Love is like water cleansing our most inner selves.

Love, like the force of a crushing wave, can crack our hearts wide open.  This process of softening is not painless nor always comforting.  Nevertheless, if we diligently go with the flow, our wounds become healed and the risk of being vulnerable seems manageable. 

The act of being rigid and hard is needed only in extreme situations.  Our lives are more fulfilling when we can approach life with an open heart.  With a willingness to experience and learn, we will eventually  avoid currents and safely arrive on the warmth of the shore.

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