Sunday, January 4, 2015

Coals Become Hot

"Absence is to love 
what wind is to fire;
it extinguishes the small,
it inflames the great."

Roger de Bussy-Rabutin

As 2014 comes to a close, I feel the loss of treasured friends, suspended moments of intimacy, and the echo of laughter with kindred spirits.  Even though I believe time is elastic, constantly contracting and expanding, the dance of change unnerves me.  Nothing stays the same, and not one element is ever lost forever and yet the created space for new leaves me blowing in the wind.

As this new year, 2015, begins, I experience the let down of post holiday emotions.  I have learned to stay in the moment and not get caught up in materialism, judgment or isolation, but there is still a lowering of my defenses, deeper breaths to be taken, and an eagerness to move forward.

Gentle breezes shift petty differences, but as the wind carries me, inevitably coals become hot and burning in my heart.  The deepest longing for  universal acceptance and peace seems just as vibrant as when I was 15.  The eternal hopeful, I truly believe my light is joining others creating a foundation of human kindness.  As violence bubbles to the surface, I pray that it will be addressed universally once and for all.

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