Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Conveyor Belt and Unnecessary Baggage

"We are what our thoughts have made us;
so take care about what you think.
Words are secondary. Thoughts live;
they travel far."

Swami Vivekananda

As the snow sifts through the arms of the tree, one is  reminded of  thoughts floating through our mind.  Some snowflakes stick to the branches, just like some negative thoughts linger in our brain.  Through practice, we can create a more efficient filter for our thoughts.  There is no need to retain negative remarks longer than high praise, but we do.  This of course is done through selective choice.  

If we, indeed, are making this choice, than we have control to change it.  We can imagine our thoughts on a conveyor belt moving through our minds.  We see them approaching, we see them front and center, and we watch them pass by.  By retaining a negative remark we minimize our worth and keep ourselves small.

In our lives, there are those who just can't get over themselves, constantly reminding us of their success, wealth, or happiness.  These people actually are insecure, attempting to mask their flaws.  Then there are the victims who are stuck in their tragic story, viewing everything through fear and doubt.  The people in between are the ones who are living in the moment, watching their thoughts travel down the conveyor belt.  These individuals are integrated, acknowledging personal weakness and balancing it with individual strengths.  This is to be human.  

So, please, let us choose our thoughts carefully.  Be diligent about remembering the 5 nice things friends said at lunch before dwelling on the one bad inference.  If we truly regard ourselves as worthy, we will not allow slights to interrupt our peace of mind.  Is the comment true?  If yes, then fix it.  If the comment is not true, let it go.  Move along, moment to moment encumbered by unnecessary  baggage.

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