Thursday, July 24, 2014

Volumes Found in Dreams

"I'm gone, lost, floating away into nothingness 
like I am in my dream, but this time it's a good 
feeling ~ like soaring, like being totally free.

Lauren Oliver
Before I Fall

In the day time, a person can meditate or contemplate in nature feeling totally connected with all things.  It is a calming experience, one that cleans the slate of our busy minds.  In dream time, we can experience a more liberating experience of body, mind, and soul.  We can fly like an eagle or run like a deer.  Our mind can be more  expansive than ever dreamed possible.  The soul is much more liberal in choreographing experiences with heightened senses.  As an awakened spiritual creation, we are exposed beyond imagination.

In dreamtime, we can billow in the wind as a long silk scarf or bubble up upon the shore as the foam of a wave.  We can experience all things soft as gentle like the clouds floating in the sky, but we can also feel our hearts race as we find ourselves harbored in the branches of a tree with a barking rabid dog nipping at our feet.  All things are possible, and nothing needs to make perfect sense.

To take the time to understand our dreams, we are exposed to volumes of information.  Whether it is collective information or intimately personal, deciphering the material can be quite rewarding.  I kept dream journals for seven years.  I would interpret my dream upon awakening, writing as much as I could remember, and even more details would surface.  If I were working or traveling, I would record my dream, but maybe not look at it for several days.  

When we harvest our dreams, going back over fields of material, we often find a thread running through them all.  A thread we might not see from day to day exploring.  A color of the thread often times can be seen only from a distance.

Each morning we can find meaning in our previous night's dream, but when it is viewed in the context of additional dreams,  a more complete meaning may appear.  In this way, we soon discover that our nocturnal adventures are not as random as one may think.  

Often times we are so busy looking for a teacher, we over look the wisdom within our own hearts.

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