Friday, July 25, 2014

Master the Art of Play

"Most of us harbor a secret belief 
that work has to be work and not play,
and that anything we really want to do 
~like write, act dance~
must be considered frivolous
and be placed a distant second.
This is not true."

Julia Cameron

I am an artist in that I have mastered the art of play.  Sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to decide between the options for play.  I like to water color, sketch and draw.  In the winter I truly enjoy knitting various projects.  Weekly, I arrange flowers to place around the house.  

Some forms of play I enjoy so much I will use an entire day for shopping, browsing, or antiquing.  To escape into a book or to write random entries in a journal also give me great pleasure.  While walking in the neighborhood or in a park, I like to take pictures.  Decorating an area of the house or setting a pretty dinner table is also a form of play.  Even basic play like coloring or jig saw puzzles are a delight!  

Julia Cameron really stresses the need for an artist's date which gives me permission to plan even more creative play.  I enjoy going to the Goodwill Bookstore holding myself captive, away from distractions, while sitting in a booth enjoying personal writing time.  I will take a break and browse their book selection and then settle back into writing some more.  

Playing is good for the soul.  It is helpful in releasing stress or worries about the future.  It is an opportunity to both give and receive.  I hereby give you permission to set up a play day for your lovely self.  Now follow through.  Get creative and find a way to begin frivolous play!

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