Tuesday, July 15, 2014

One Size Does Not Fit All

"All of us are creative.  Just
as blood is a fact of your
physical body and nothing
you invented,  creativity is
a fact of your spiritual body
and nothing that you must invent."

Julia Cameron

Human beings enter this world with gifts, talents, or strengths, which ever word  one may choose.  The time we spend during this existence is used to discover and decipher these inner qualities.  Some of us take them for granted, assuming "If I can do it, anyone can!"  This simply is not true.  What happens to come easy for one, may be quite difficult for one other.  

Once discovered, we then need to discern how we can best use our specialty.  If it is not tangible or obvious, it may be more difficult to find appropriate support.  When we do not have others who honor our ability, we quickly learn to devalue or hide it.  If we are brave and mention our desire, others may inform us that it is or the other sex or not a profitable field to enter.  We quickly learn to repress our interests.

A day comes when we finally unpack our passion, casting off all the old debris piled on top of it from neglect.  We rekindle our fascination with the sense of becoming truly alive.  All of us will not be rocket scientists or rock stars, but when we choose to develop our skills we fulfilling our destiny.  We are contributing to the world our creative energy no matter how great or small.  It is utilizing our inner stirrings to be all we were meant to be. 

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