Friday, July 11, 2014

Relax, Breathe, and Begin Again

"You are good enough.
You are worthy.
You are loved."

Panache Desai

Words are very important to me ... those spoken, those spoken silently, and those forming on a page.  Some are cherished, while others send a chill of fear down my spine.  A few melt my heart and a few more make me so tense, my shoulders begin to engulf my neck.     There are times I need to tell my lovely self to relax, to breathe, and to begin again.

Some of my favorite words to use with others are:  lovely (Your lovely self),  gentle (Be gentle with your lovely self) and the self-explanatory 'sigh'.  I like to remind others they are good and kind.  To be thankful for his or her gift of friendship and how he or she happened to change my life.  When others have left themselves open, Divine Spirit speaks through them, and I am so grateful for the words.  Often times the message is what I have been not so patiently waiting for or had been searching everywhere, but remained lost.

There are numerous words hanging from a clothesline in my mind, blowing in the winds from the past.  The old wooden clothespin clench them tightly and not even beams from the sun can make them shine.  One day I might be brave and unpin them from that line and fold them gently into a basket to be tucked away outside of my mind.

How much better my day would be if my personal mantra included words like good, worthy, and loved.  I long to hear these words whispered in my heart, words to heal, words to encourage, and words of peace.  

Just for today, I believe I will give it a try ... 

"You are good enough."

"You are worthy."

"You are loved."

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