Monday, October 14, 2013

Showing Up

"You may get your butt kicked,
 but if you don't find the courage to show up in your own life,
 there's more at stake."
Brene` Brown
Brene` Brown is a recognized author, speaker, and life coach to the masses, stripping us of our self-imposed expectations for perfection.   Her books reveal our own personal feelings of shame and guilt in a very user friendly way.  She has been a god send to the masses who take the time to invest in her perspectives.
When a person measures the energy it requires to wear a mask, to hold the mask in place, and to retain the history of the mask , he or she discovers it requires more time and effort than just braving the audience as 'self'.  When we allow our selves to be real, we acquire more energy to be placed into arenas that truly matter. 
We pay for the fear, shame, and guilt we drag along with us.  When we drop our costumes and stand clearly in our own shoes, scuffs and all, a sense of freedom embraces us.  If those surrounding us do not approve of who we are, then we are not in the midst of healthy supporters.  It takes courage to change venues, but it is the same courage we have been displaying through our artificial performances. 
All of us have strengths and weaknesses and it is truly important to be familiar with both, but not to focus on the lesser traits.  Acknowledge having a weak side, but don't play into it.  Know it is there, but accept it rather than repressing it. 
When we stand in our authentic place, we become ignited with a personal power to truly shine which attracts like minded people to us.  When we use our courage to be clearly present just as we are, opportunities never imagined present themselves.  Opportunities, mind you, are not always winning the lottery.  Opportunities can be seemingly small, but very well may be the first step onto our life time path.
So we are called to be aware of our strengths and weaknesses, to be constant in our presentation of self, and to be aware of ample opportunity.  When alignment appears for our personal path we will feel it resonate through us.  Sit with the vibrations and be certain to respond with appropriate action, not knee jerk reaction. 
Celebrate ourselves!  Forgive whatever we need to be forgiven, and then let it go.  Step over the bumps of our past and move forward with creative vision.  Be proud of individual strengths and seek out avenues enhancing our skills.  If we don't show up, the show cannot go on.

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