Saturday, October 19, 2013

To Birth in Darkness


B.    Be your brilliant authentic self, right where you are
I.     Intend and invite miracles and magic
R.   Rest often, read something that inspires you,
       Revel in your radiance and roll your RRRR's
T.   Tell yourself and someone else, "I love you.  I appreciate you.  Thank you."
H.  Hold space with the love and light you are and hug often!

Teri Freesmeyer

A few weeks ago, I took a wrong turn and ended up lost.  Not totally lost, but lost still the same.  Things looked vaguely familiar and I sensed a heaviness falling over me that had been present before at some other time.  Oh how I wished it were Harry Potter's invisible cloak, but of course those only exist in fiction, right? 

It has always been my personal belief that if we stay too long in the memory of the past, we will be overwhelmed and unable to move forward.  If we project too much into our future, we live in anticipation, never enjoying what is before us.  So knowing to live in the moment, I tried to just be present in the darkness.  And of course that was not the effort I needed to make.

When we are in the moment, we can choose to birth our selves, re-create our selves or stand still.  Living in the moment is not about tolerating the presence, but learning to decorate with what is before us.   So when we feel as though we are being held under a heavy blanket of darkness, we can choose to focus on the light we have inside.  It may only be a small twinkle of flame, but we can indulge our spirit to be that small spark of fire. 

When I woke up this morning, the heavy blanket of darkness was gone as simply as though I had merely kicked it from the bed.  I hesitated, waiting to see if it were really gone.  With appreciation and gratitude, I began to breathe into the light that had returned.  Born again to this life, to create again, and follow my path.

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