Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Who We Are Meant To Be

"Deciphering Dreams was created to assist others in aligning
the dream world with every day experiences.  Dreams are a
form of language that is not only unique to each of us, but
also intimate.  We all have choice in declining or accepting
information in our dreams and determining how to utilize
this important information."
Virginia Carlson
When I developed VIRGINIA'S VOICE, I included three points of concentration: 
These three categories were deliberately chosen as I find them to be excellent tools for developing alignment with the body, mind, and soul.  When we use our voice, we hear our truth and honor the self.  As we pay attention to our dreams, insights surface that we may be ignoring during the day time.  Looking within ourselves, leads us to empowerment as we make a Divine Connection. 
It matters not what gender, religion, or political preferences we have, if we all follow a personal template leading us to love and compassion.  The real question is "Are you doing the best you can do?" 
My strengths are people skills, counseling background, hands on experience with aligning the physical, mental, and spiritual, with creative intuition.  To me, it feels necessary to use these skills in service to others.  There is no intention of forcing anyone to think or act like me, but there is intention to provide ways to enhance personal development. 
By using my voice, I can speak truths to hopefully spark an interest in others to awaken.  If we can explore personal dreams, using individual interpretation of symbols and messages, a person can unfold more gently.  I do believe in helping each other, but I also believe we are our own guru. ( gee-you-are-you ) We each have a purpose awaiting our personal touch, the application of our individual accent.  Competition is not in the equation, but celebration is vital.  We can learn to celebrate the accomplishments of others as well as our own.  We are called to serve and support others, by sharing and exchanging.
We are all on a spiritual journey.  Each of us has Divine Spirit dwelling inside of us.  We all have direct access to inner guidance that is more intimate than books, computers, or lectures.  Outside knowledge can encourage us, but the thread of life purpose is running through the soul inside.  As we strengthen our core, we are better prepared for the outside navigation of life.
Be inspired!  Move forward in personal growth ... whatever that means to each of us.  When we all open our hearts and minds, we step closer to who we are meant to be.

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