Thursday, April 11, 2013

Listening In Our World

"Each point in the journey is an end to itself.
One is not better than the other.
Only your heart knows what to follow
and where to stop."

Mark Nepo 

Mark Nepo is one of my most favorite authors.  In his newest book, SEVEN THOUSAND WAYS TO LISTEN, Mark Nepo is merging the word  listening with the already present word, (if not over used word), awakening.  He appraises listening as being imperative to the awakening process.  If we listen to what surrounds us or whispers within us, we can experience a deeper journey.

We may yawn and think we know all about listening, but do we really?  The art of listening is based on being totally present in stillness with our selves or others.  Too often, we hear the beginning of a conversation, and once we get the drift, our mind turns to other things.  We have used our inner judgment to turn off prematurely, missing an opportunity for newer or deeper understanding.  When we think of our family, friends, and professionals, only a few stand out as really exceptional listeners. 

Mr. Nepo discusses three friendships:  "the work of being, the work of being human, and the work of love."  These three friendships are the foundation for awakening.  To be aligned with our experience of self we must listen.  To resonate with each other, we must listen.  To establish a peaceful community, we must listen.  When we maintain these three friendships, we are more apt to awaken more deeply.  Listening enhances our connection with Divine Spirit.

This author goes on to say we wander off center either withdrawing too much or extending too far.  If we remain flexible, we can adjust our selves in whichever direction is needed, but if we are unaware, we can become withdrawn to fault or overwhelmed by distractions.  When our "balance point" has shifted one way or the other our 'habits must catch up' so we can continue to "assess and reassess". 

Messages come to us when we are still or through others or with life experiences.  If we develop listening skills, we will not only hear these messages more clearly, but we are more apt to relate these messages with others and impact our community as well.  A message is about receiving information and giving it back out into the world. 

We are all personal messengers, giving and receiving hopefully with others, and contributing in a positive way to our community.  When we care enough to listen, we can create more loving relationships in our world.

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