Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Lost and Forgotten

The world is round
and the place which may seem like the end
may also be the beginning.
~ Ivy Baker Priest

Being patient and staying focused is difficult to do when it feels like we are at a dead end with no alternative route on the horizon.  We can become discouraged or overwhelmed as the days, months, or even years pass by.  We can feel lost and forgotten. 

We wander around aimlessly wondering when the veil will be lifted or when we will have our next 'ah ha' moment directing us back onto our path.  Yearning to discover and surrender to our life's purpose seemingly takes a life time.

Then whoosh!  We can almost hear the pieces miraculously sliding together and we click into a sense of wholeness.  We feel reborn and rejuvenated amply prepared to face our challenges.  We are filled with joy to once again be grounded and yet deeply connected with all spiritual things.

This joy washes over us so suddenly, we ponder what the trigger may have been to set this all in motion.  We review what we have said or done, but the exact turning point escapes our line of thinking.  We may never recall the sequence of events, but we know we have arrived.  We are exactly where we needed to be.

No matter how methodical we are life has a pace of its own.  Opportunities, set backs, and rewards have their own individual timing not running parallel to our own.   We can control our choices but very little else. 

When we let go of the death of the old and embrace the new, we have such a strong sense of purpose and wonder how we could have ever felt lost and forgotten.  We examine our selves to discover if we really were unseen during the days, months or even years we were passed by.  With a new segment of life before us,  we come to understand that much of life is a matter of perspective and how quickly we can adjust to new views.

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