Saturday, March 9, 2013

Time Being Spent in Nashville, Tennessee

“It’s funny how certain cities get under your skin. I’ve been around, but there’s something captivating about Nashville, Tennessee – a ‘crazy town’, as locals call it, bursting with culture, history and Southern charm (the kind of charm that prompts locals – easily the friendliest people I’ve ever encountered.”

-Brisbane News

A few days ago, I made the 6 hour journey to Nashville, Tennessee.  It is a beautiful drive and a drive I have been taking for over 10 years.  The solitude in my car suits me as I soak up all of  nature,  watching the landscape change the farther south I travel.  From north to south, all of the little towns dotting the interstates have become familiar to me.  I know exactly which exits offer what and where the gas is cheapest. 

Navigation in Nashville is rather easy once one gets the lay of the land.  I can travel most anywhere I want, and believe me, there are plenty of things to do and see.  Scarlett Begonia is my favorite shop, Centennial Park hosting endless art festivals, Nashville Zoo, Nashville Library Downtown, Hillsboro Village, Ann Padgett's Book Store, Music City, Green Hills and Cool Springs Malls, Lake Radner, beautiful parks, and delicious eateries.

My most favorite place in all of Nashville, however, is my daughter's home.  It doesn't matter which season I visit, the highlight will be my time with her.  I feel very nurtured in her space which also houses Hannah the wonder Golden Retriever and Trudy the temperamental Tuxedo Cat.  We can be content just 'being' with each other either reading or sharing in front of her fireplace or out on the covered patio.  We always manage to take plenty of walks and to visit with her friends both new and old.

This precious time between mother and daughter always moves too swiftly.  We are both good listeners so our shared stories, accented with laughter, tears, and lessons, continue to bind us tightly together.   Being with her lifts my spirit and soul.  She reminds me of who I am, what all I have accomplished, and new ways to share my gifts and talents with others.  She awakens my sleeping positive attributes and hushes my critical ego.  By the time I leave, I will be cocooned in an emotional gauze of hugs and kisses, fully prepared to once again face the world.

Symbols are vitally important to me.  My daughter symbolizes life itself with her compassion, endurance, courage, intelligence, and service.  Her inner beauty matches her physical appearance and her worst enemy is her critical ego. 

Oh, if we could only see our selves as Divine Spirit intended ... focusing on our positives, using our gifts and talents with equal love for others as well as for our selves!  

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