Monday, March 4, 2013

Articulating on a Blank Page

Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind is written large in his works.
         Virginia Woolf (1882-1941)

The travel from Key West went smoothly and safely all of the way to our doorstep.  With thankful and grateful hearts, it was good to deeply breathe in the unforgettable fragrances of home.  There was great comfort in sleeping in our own beds with our familiar pillows and linens. 

When I made my coffee this morning, I was delighted to find a male cardinal showing it self off in the layer of snow freshly fallen upon the ground.  His amazing red image was heightened by the white of the snow and his singing of a song.  Smaller birds were gathered in the bush as if to personally welcome me home.

Today I will have to unpack, do laundry, and then re-pack as I will leave shortly for Nashville, Tennessee.  I had committed to spending spring break with my daughter not realizing how closely it fell to our arrival home.  I do look forward to the long drive as it is always undisturbed thinking time while the beauty of nature appears at every glance.  A visit with my daughter ... well, that is like getting a whole body healing.  Nothing delights me more to feel her love, interest, touch, and quiet times we have always shared over the years.

As I transition today, I am physically accomplishing things needing to be done, but there are words bulging inside of me.  There are thoughts and theories needing to flow onto paper allowing creative release.  I recognize there are some words never meant to be spoken, but only to be squandered upon a waiting blank page.

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