Friday, May 26, 2023

Lingering No More ...

"Daughter, do not linger where you are.
Take up your needle and your thread,
and go see to the mending."
Lisa Wingate

As we move through life, we have choice as to what we will nurture and grow. Input from valued individuals help to guide us, but these opinions must never over ride the truth residing within our hearts.

Life is filled with obstacles not meaning to cause us to falter. They are meant to nudge us towards higher intention. Forward movement, when using a cadence perfect for learning and adapting, becomes imperative in order to avoid being distracted or stuck.

We move forward by reviewing gathered wisdom and welcoming the unknown. It is when we pick up the needle and thread, mending what has been torn apart that we begin to make  a tapestry out of our life. Proceed, lingering no more.


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