Monday, May 29, 2023

Crushing Blow

"Gone, But Not Forgotten"
Phillip Margolin

During Shamanic Breathwork, I spiraled back through battlefields of war. Each segment was of a different time period, and yet the battlefields were the same ... the unnecessary death of men. I wept for the destruction of the human spirit and the senselessness of violence.

I am of the Viet Nam era, (never protested nor marched), and experienced the loss of young men I had called tender hearted friends. It all seemed so senseless to me.  The real horror was how these very soldiers returned home to be unrecognized and often disgraced.

War is the crushing blow to the human spirit.  There are humans on both sides of every  coin. We are all reacting to how we have been treated and no one 'wins' until we find loving words  of resolution meeting everyone with honor and dignity.


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