Friday, February 24, 2023

Sinking Without Fear


"To become empowered, you don't have to become 
something new. You only have to realize that you
already have that power within, then allow that 
infinite inner potential to flow into your life."
Owen Waters 

Just as the sun lifts from the horizon, so must we rise from the depths of our darkest fears. When we tune in to the inner voice which guides us beyond our dreams, we activate energy to propel us forward. 

Empowerment is not a destination.  It is a positive and powerful mindset reminding us of our unlimited abilities.  Just as the clouds separate for the sun to shine, we too must get out of our own way by releasing limiting fears.

The sun floats across the sky, not worrying about where it will come to rest.  We, too, can choose to rise above, as we seek discovery beyond our discomfort.  As we take strides to embrace our true nature, there is no reason to worry about the sinking of the sun.

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