Saturday, February 25, 2023


"Every day is a winding road and you 
just may never know what is on the edge."

Life has unexpected twists and turns with elongated stretches and unexpected endings. It can offer warm evenings secluded by a fire or high winds blowing us off center.  One minute we may be climbing up a steep incline and the very next moment falling down a hill.  

In comparison, when we follow a path in nature, we maintain a calmness while noticing fragrances, movement, and magnification of growth.  There is simple pleasure in allowing our steps to lead into and out of darkness.  

In time, life shows us that our days are heightened when we can be flexible and trusting.  We take notice of where we are individually led and what choices present before us.  The peace we find in nature arrives in life as we appreciate the present moment. 


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