Thursday, February 2, 2023

Petitions Submitted

"The creator is constantly communicating to you 
using everything:  nature, the environment,
other people, coincidences."
Carla Rueckert

In prayers or meditation, we seek answers to the mysteries in life.  With our petitions once submitted, we patiently await a response.  Unfortunately, false expectations prevent awareness of the mini bursts of info being sent our way..

The peaceful pause we seek might be found in nature while noticing small animals playing, birds singing, and the swaying of the trees.  Insight can fall upon us as we overhear a conversation in a store. Synchronistic encounters may provide the connection we seek.

Eliminate limiting thoughts regarding the ability of God to intervene.  Persistently open the mind, eyes, and heart to recognize the endless power of Spirit. Be willing to embrace unconventional sacred communication and spiritual connection available to us all. 

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