Friday, November 5, 2021

Viewpoints and Motivations


"... inextinguishable thirst for truth which I desire for myself."
Miguel de Unamuno

Disclosing truth is just the beginning of the journey into understanding.  If we seek depth,  we are best prepared accompanied by the tools of listening, observing, expanding and new sight.  As reality is tainted by misperceptions, we achieve more by witnessing life as though we were a beginner or a novice.

Numerous components create the truth. not just our interpretation.  We are called to think out of the box, opening to what we don't know, rather than basing truth on what we think we know.  Lingering with various viewpoints and motivations, we broaden preconceived concepts.

It is empowering to rise above denial or avoidance and face reality.  The naked truth is intended to be seen as it simply is, not to be modified by personal preference. I yearn to see beyond my current thinking and unearth pure truth for deeper understanding.

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