Thursday, November 25, 2021

No Wallowing, Apply Action!

"I thank you wholeheartedly because you cannot
  imagine all the happiness you are giving to me."
Auliq Ice

Time and distance tend to regulate who gathers around the table.  Long gone are the ten course meals and assorted beverages.  The festive use of tablecloths, sets of china, crystal glasses and silver settings are now termed quaint.  

We can thrive during Thanksgiving by finding opportunities, making good decisions and not staying hidden.  If we alter our expectations and bring light to darkened spaces, we will thrive.  If there are gaps in the holiday, fill them with surprise treats to bring joy to the child within.

FRAGRANCES:  Heat Spiced Cider on the stove, burn a fragrant candle, a vase of harvest flowers FEAST:  Bake a turkey breast, with Stove Top Dressing and a sweet potato; grab a dinner role and a slice of favorite pie from bakery. (Personal holiday associations: Cranberries, Salads, Buttered Rum).   NURTURE:  Scented Salt Soak in tub lined with tea lights and floating flower petals. Play enjoyable music and dance or create.  Watch movies from the past, read a book from from favorite or new author. (My personal favorites - a silent walk on a river trail; observation on a green way; barefoot in yard absorbing nature's energy)    COMMUNICATION:  Call, text, email loved ones; Briefly chat with an isolated neighbor; Speak through artistic expression; Release pent up emotion by writing about passed holidays, present day, or future desires.     

Wallowing is unacceptable. Apply action!


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