Friday, November 26, 2021

Amazing Women

"When a woman honors herself, all women
collectively move closer to becoming what
they are truly capable of."
Daily Om

Years ago, as I gathered small groups of women together, I was ecstatic to witness the progressive movement of all women.  Women aged 50 or older were attempting to break the patriarchal molds.  Women aged 30 or 40 were carving authentic guidelines  for  unlimited personal and professional discovery.

The role of the house wife and mother are now distinctively different.  No longer do they go hand by hand unless of course by choice.  Numerous women are inspiring mothers, as well as accomplishing excelled careers.  

In earlier years, women set their intended careers aside to be stay at home mothers.  Their interests were tabled and actions were defined by community preferences.  As the responsibility for self no longer has gender or biased barriers, a woman might have a successful career and begin an entirely different career in retirement. Amazing what women are truly capable of!

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