Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Three Levels of Teaching or Learning

"Instruction is important, 
but inspiration kindles the candle
for a life time."
Debasish Mridha

Drivers Ed Teacher:  "Pull up even, now back up.  Turn the wheel.  Cut the wheel harder! Slow down.  You are up against the curb ... silence ...  Pull out and begin again."

Mentor:  "Go out into the world and embrace the unknown.  Communicate with nature and admire the beauty in all peoples.  Be creative in efforts to gain wisdom.  If you do not feel transcended retrace all steps with a fresh awareness."

Core Being:  "Do not look outside of self for answers.  The information you need is deep within.  Quiet all senses and listen to the Divine Wisdom bubbling in your soul.  Be patient and allow the lovely self to be joined with the sacred.  Inspiration will fuel the flame to see in the darkness, healing wounds and releasing all that does not matter."

These words remind me of navigating through life.  We are pushed to catch up, then a surprise turn of events followed by spontaneous reaction, and the inevitable reality we have to slow down and begin again.

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