Friday, November 10, 2017

Other Worldliness

"I want to make poems / that look into the earth and heavens /
and see the unseeable.  I want them to honor / both the heart of
faith, and the light of the world; / the gladness that says without
any words, everything."
Mary Oliver

Once it was difficult to leave the chaos of life behind, to still the mind and tune out all noises.  With repetition one masters the ability to escape into the outer skirts of the physical life and slip through the veil for a moment into other worldliness.

Discovery behind the veil, however, avoids translation into words.  One returns ecstatic with emotions peeked and yet no vocabulary exists to describe the lofty moments.  Insights perceived have been sacredly absorbed into our spiritual being leaving us to question if the experience happened at all.

Spiritual beings have taken on the task of human experience.  The importance is to impact the physical with our spiritual understandings to improve the world.  In order to do this, one must remain grounded and be an active participant of this lifetime.  Escape behind the veil is a time for remembering why we really are here.

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