Thursday, May 25, 2017

Where the Judgment Falls

"To feel intensely is not symptom of weakness,
it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate." 
Anthon St. Maarten

Overly sensitive has been an adjective used as a negative to describe my lovely self by others.  Agreed, I used to become too intently involved, but even now as as observer, I continue to perceive illness or pain whether physical or mental or spiritual in others.

It is a double edge sword to be in tune with the vibrations of others. It takes courage to control the impulse to help when I know the information is not yet ready to be received. Each person must be prepared for insightful truths, and the timing is not up to me.

I believe it is a weakness to deny our intuition and to minimize our personal gifts.  It takes bravery to face the world knowing our gifts are not generally embraced or readily pursued.  To be truly living, we must know and utilize all parts of our self on some level, no matter where the judgment falls.

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