Thursday, October 20, 2016

Unrecognized Strength Within

"The most intriguing people you will encounter in this life
are the people who had insights about you,
that you didn't know about yourself."
Shannon L. Alder

Women who have a strong sense of self are eager to share the goodness they observe in others.  They do not feel threatened by the talents of others; rather, there is a  desire is to recognize and celebrate them.  When we feel safe with a person, we shine more of our authentic light.

It is human nature to take our God given gifts and falsely assume everyone has the same.  The author who writes with cadence and beauty; the artist who paints with majestic colors; the leader who instills integrity in others ... they often do not recognize the strength within themselves.

When a trusted acquaintance points out our unusual knack for ______,  and sites examples of it through their own eyes, we begin to realize the quality of our unique gift.  The words resonate within us as we recognize them as truth.  Perhaps we begin to honor and respect ourselves more and hopefully offer gratitude and thanksgiving.

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