Saturday, October 15, 2016

Giving From The Heart

"What I want in my life is compassion,
a flow between myself and others
based on a mutual giving from the heart."
Marshall B. Rosenberg

As children, we made friends easily.  We trusted our instincts and met each other half way.  We still have those skills within us.  It is a matter of respecting ourselves enough to respect others. When we engage with strangers, gaze into a face,  looking for similarities rather than differences.

It is only when we honestly love ourselves, we feel safe enough to be open non-judgmentally.  Without changing our personal belief, we can simply respect a different voice.  We do not feel a compulsion to join a cause, but with an open heart, we have compassion for a person's journey.

When we feel secure we are more open minded.  We no longer cling to rigid ideas to feel safe, so we can expose ourselves to different points of view. We do not have to falsely agree with a diverse approach, nor do we need to show disdain.  With compassion, we offer the attention of a kind human giving from the heart.

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