Monday, October 24, 2016

Moon Flower in the Dark

"Something inside her was made of moon flowers."
Rune Eazuli

A spiritual mentor was the first person to ever show me a Moon Flower.  The milky white flower is larger than a hibiscus and the heart shaped leaves are plentiful and endearing. The bud is closed during the day, but in the night, the Moon Flower widely opens to embrace the darkness.

The Moon Flower illustrates how one can grow in darkness. This unusual flower encourages to be open and to trust the silence of the night.  The delicate fragrance in the evening hours reflects the unexpected sweetness in life.

Like the lovely Moon Flower, I prosper in the darker hours and tend to shrivel in the harshness of the the bright lights.  It is in the darkness that I grow aware of what has been hidden during the day.  Stretching my heart towards the light of the moon, there is an unspoken communication that soothes my lonely soul.  

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