Monday, August 1, 2016

The Right to Pause

"Take a mental pause every time you are faced with a decision,
and ask yourself what the potential outcomes might be.  While
you  may not be  able to accurately  predict every scenario, you
will be able to get an idea of which choices will benefit you the most."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Too often, our yes button is on automatic pilot.  We agree out of obligation, social pressure, or guilt without consideration to reply with a simple no.   Yes and no are of equal value, both reflecting a choice.  Yes is not the 'right' answer making us the good person and neither is no the 'bad' response making us appear in negative light.  

No matter how simple the decision, it is helpful to pause and check in with ourselves, giving our schedules consideration.  The response of no can be laced with fear of disappointment; but, in reality, by saying no we may enable a new person to step up to the plate with a fresh outlook.

When we take pause before committing, we can get a quick glimpse of what is being asked:   quick project; long time commitment; sincere interest; and can my time be better spent in a different area of my life?  Saying yes to multiple small requests can be just as draining as a seemingly large request.  Exercise the personal right of choice, after  indulging in a brief exchange with the heart.

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