Sunday, August 7, 2016

Healthy Roots

"I'm planting a tree to teach me
to gather strength from my 
deepest roots."
Andrea Koehle Jones

A person's roots grow very deeply.  The attachment allows us an element of spreading.   This allows a  person to stretch in differing directions without fear or discomfort.  We are then able to withstand both the sun and the rain.   

Roots offer a sense of security, allowing one to open to the wonders of the world.  The healthier our roots, the more expansive we become and dreams take on dimensions.  We gain better insight into our motivations and intentions of others.  Truth telling gains respect and our integrity flowers.

When the mind is not opened and steeped with diverse knowledge, it can become too narrow or darkly lighted.  Thoughts may become stifled and distort our life experience.  If need be, the mind can decide to gently dig up original roots and replant them in a healthier soil.  Once transplanted, a new beginning can unfold.

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