Saturday, January 23, 2016

Nudged to Edit

"Those times of depression tell you that it's either time to get out of the story
you're in and move into a new story, or that you're in the right story
but there's some piece of it you are not living out."
Carol S. Pearson

As authors of our own stories, we can use creative license to adjust occurrences in our lives.  When we are experiencing discomfort and can actually discern the trigger, we have choice as to how we respond.  What would make the story line more tolerable ... using voice, changing environment, or actively seeking replacement?  Things that bother us are trying to get our attention for new adventures or difficult decisions.  In our eagerness to make peace on the surface, we cause disease inside.

When we ignore what bothers us, it simply takes another form.  It may appear as a headache, upset stomach or exhaustion.  Denied emotions do not simply float away.  They become lodged in some other place, prepared to create an even greater disturbance as they are combined together.

Even if we lack the strength to deal with a particular discomfort, just by acknowledging it will bring us a little closer to what action is needed.  When we make a mental note, especially if the same discomfort continues to reappear,  we begin to connect the dots.  A pattern merges and we birth insight into how we are creating our story.  We can acknowledge editing is required to make our lives more aligned with our character.


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