Sunday, January 3, 2016

Forge Through Weakness

"All the pain that comes with being human can crush our optimism
if we don't work actively to create our own hope."
Zhena Muzyka

A person needs to focus on the positive, to use a wider lens to examine the family tree, and release negative emotions.  Write all feelings down and then burn the paper.  Share disappointments with a trusted friend or professional therapist.  Be thankful the holidays are over so we can return to our every day challenges.

Unfortunately, I am feeling the pain of being human and my optimism is wavering.  Violence and chaos of the world bares down upon me while residue from family gatherings clings to my heart. There is little room for hope to shine brightly enough through my internal darkness.

Today I will be gentle and compassionate with my self.  I will sit by the fire and read the wise words of the enlightened ones.  I will recapture my sense of appreciation and gratitude, and restore my energy into positive vibrations.  I will root my feet down into the crystal core of Mother Earth and stretch my hopes up into the arms of all that is sacred and holy.  Connected, I will let these energies forge through my weaknesses, replacing them with kindness and goodness once again.

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