Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Much Brighter Day

"It's not what you say out of your mouth that determines life,
it's what you whisper to yourself that has the most power!"
Robert T. Kiyosaki

The way you talk to your lovely self, is it the way you would talk to a dear friend?  Would you use the same insulting tone with total disregard for worth?  Do you  intend to damage your own spirit?

Amazingly, you easily lavish kind words upon others, even when they are not necessarily deserving.  Why then do you paint your creative self with loathing and disgust?  How is it so easy to judge yourself while you make excuses for others?

Just for today, whisper loving kindness to yourself:

Be patient with me.
Thank you for being strong.
Help me to fill my voice with calm.
Let me see the beauty with in.
Let me feel the acceptance I crave.
Eliminate my self judgments by recognizing strengths.
Embrace me to dissolve this feeling of separateness.
Assist me in using kinder words.

If you do this today, tomorrow will be a much brighter day!

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