Thursday, December 3, 2015

Emotional Elements Projected Unknowingly

"Whether he is an artist or not, the photographer is a joyous sensualist,
for the  simple reason  that the eye  traffics in feelings, not thoughts."
Walker Evans

Every morning, I discover a  quote that strikes a chord within me, and I then select a photo to reflect the quote.  It is an important part of my writing process.  These two things, the quote and the picture set the mood for my message.  Within me, my fires begin to stir from the passions nudged by what my eyes have seen.

As a child, I was an emotional barometer.  When I entered any room, my eyes would scan who ever was present to determine the emotional climate.  Even as I grew older, my eyes were always surveying the emotional element people unknowingly project.  There seemed to be safety in knowing the temperature of those around me or to have my senses alerted to any unsuspected disharmony.

The simple observation of others sensitivity increases my study of human beings.  To be able to read people opens the door to greater connection or to avoid altogether.  My eyes, like a camera, focuses on individuals and as I adjust my vision like a lens, they capture an other wise missed essence.  It is not always easy nor pleasant to feel some one's raw emotions prior to meeting them at all, but it certainly activates compassion.

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