Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mentors For A Diversified Mind

"For to know a man's library
is, in some measure, 
to know his mind."

Geraldine Brooks

If a library is a reflection of a person's mind, then mine is certainly eclectic.  I have a huge collection of books, each one deliberately important to me.  The inside print of my books are generally highlighted and sometimes accompanied by personal notations.  They are grouped into subjects such as:  psychology, spirituality, energy work, women's issues; and writing resources.  Some books could fit into multiple categories so they are not always returned to the same place.

I tend to borrow fiction from the library or read it on my iPad.  If I am captivated by it, I will end up buying a copy of my own, which seldom happens.  Non-fiction books need to be held in my hand, ready to be highlighted, and paged back and forth numerous times.  They are like old friends whom I have conferred during changing times, while others are specific mentors for my diversified mind.  

As my eyes pass over one title after the next,  I am gently reminded of certain times or places.  If an individual book does not greet me with familiarity, then it is time to pass it along.  Every once in a great while, I will come across a book on my shelf I can remember purchasing at a certain event.  I realize, even though it has been in my possession for a lengthy period of time, I have never read it.  Plucking it from the dusty shelf, and browsing through the table of contents, I laugh out loud as it is the very subject challenging me in the moment.  Serendipity! It appears at the most precise time.

As a life time avid reader, books have been intimate companions.  I have shared more transformational moments with the written word than I have in relationships.  Books cannot repeat what the reader discloses.  They do not count the teardrops falling upon their pages.  Transportable and dependable, books have been my expanding foundation.

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