Friday, May 15, 2015

Keep This Part Alive

"You may be whatever you resolve to be.
Determine to be something in the world 
and you will be something.  'I cannot,'
never accomplished anything; 'I will try,'
has wrought wonders."

J. Hawes

We all have a wild side providing energy to pursue and obtain our dreams.  The wild part of self must not control us, but it doesn't need to be put to sleep either.  We can acknowledge the less tamed parts without need to integrate or to act upon.  It is not possible to totally integrate every aspect of our inner core.  Accepting our rough edges is embracing our imperfection.

To use this approach, we can eliminate constant criticism and the sense of repressing passion.  This is not about hiding parts of self from others or acting on shallow impulses.  When we create an awareness of our conflicted qualities, and use compassion, we create a partnership instead of a harsh inner dialogue.

There is a story about a gifted violinist who was not making enough money to support his family, so he quit and became a postal worker, never picking up the violin ever again.  Discernment is the key.  What action can we take to  provide recognition and a created plan?  The idea is to form a balance or a partnership.  Become a postal worker, but continue sharing a gift privately or an occasional public performance.  To have repressed his gift, the violinist must have had a great sense of loss, frustration and  resentment.

Love to write, but cannot do it professionally?  Write on lunch hours, weekends, or when time allows; and then gather all pieces together when schedules change or retirement arrives.  Love to sing, but a career in finances does not offer this opportunity?  Don't give up.  Volunteer at a nursing home, a school, or sing in a church choir.  Give singing lessons to keep this part alive. Try to find a way.

We will be healthier if we do not shut down our dreams.  We will experience more happiness when we can live in harmony blending our passions and dreams.  Just try!  Don't give up before starting.  Our resilience will drive us until we can decipher a plan allowing recognition for all parts of the self.

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